Queen of the Waves Designs
The Queen of the Waves represents the spirit of a young woman of St Kilda who grows up around the stone cleits and spends her teenage years climbing the huge, precipitous cliffs of Hiort and Boreray to harvest seabirds eggs. This tiny archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean is her whole world, but one day she must leave along with the rest of her community, knowing she will never return. Her last sighting of her home would have come as she passed the towering pinnacles of Boreray and the Stacs with the air filled with thousands of gannets, puffins and fulmar; a stunning vision which seems to come from another, far more ancient world. The Queen of the Waves collection comprises the imaginary contents of her travelling kist; garments she would have made to incorporate treasured aspects and memories of her old world as she embarked on her new life. This collection is designed so that each piece can be worn separately or layered together. If you choose to make her entire collection you will find that there are challenges and new things to learn, encompassing knitting, weaving, embroidery and felting.
The complete Queen of the Waves Collection comprises the Sulaire Spencer patterncard kit, the Sulaire Shawl video class, the Boreray Cardigan patterncard kit, the Boreray Pullover patterncard kit, the Hiort Hat Set patterncard kit, the Levenish Hat patterncard kit, the Beginners Weaving Class and Weaving Design Plans, Creative Course 3 - Sporran Bag and Linne Belt, and Creative Course 2 - Dùn Cuff. You can also browse the full collection here.