2021 News Archive
2021 started with a new addition to our steek dot scot website. The Briodag Hat Set includes online access to a comprehensive video class project kit suitable for all abilities. With over 3 hours of tutorials the Briodag Video Class took quite some time to put together, but it was worth all the work. This particular project allows the development of a range of knitting skills, and it was wonderful to go into detail with a project that sets an excellent foundation for any knitter.

February brought in another new patterncard kit - the Red Jacobite Rose Hat Set. The tasselled beret and fingerless gloves were inspired by the Jacobite Roses growing in my garden, and feature my interpretation of the rose leaves and hips which always make a glowing display of colour in the autumn. This was an ideal design for the dark winter months, bringing in some rich, warm colours to brighten things up.

March added a matching Red Jacobite Rose Jacket to finish off the set perfectly.

2021 saw many new dyelots of our Hebridean 2 Ply arrive, including Driftwood, Clover, Kelpie, Summer Tide, Fulmar, Kelpie, Bogbean, Selkie and Calluna. We also headed out with the camera to capture lots more photographs of our yarn in the Hebridean landscape.

The Cluaran Video Class arrived, taking the skills learned in the Sulaire Shawl and building on them with a more complex motif and edging.

I also began developing a new shade of our Hebridean 2 Ply, a long and involved process which began with a sample Cluaran shawl in the new Glen colour.

A third Video Class was added in the summer with the introduction of the Henry VIII Hat Set. Like the Cluaran, this class was designed to follow on from the Briodag Set, adding more complex techniques and developing further skills.

Summer and Autumn brought better weather and more photoshoots, as we went to a variety of locations to photograph new and existing designs.

Our Collaborations this year included a podcast with Farmerama: Landed Part 2: Re-storying the Landscape as well as filming for a couple of BBC productions. You can see one of these here on BBC iPlayer: An Cuan Sgith (The Minch).

The Rosaire patterncard kit came back in a slightly different form, this time as a choose your own colour design, giving a whole new range of options for this lovely waistcoat.

We added a new Works In Progress page where we can share some of the things that are on our needles, giving a closer look at the making of our samples.

The Polaris Patterncard Kit was a welcome Autumn addition, like the Rosarie this lovely design is available in a choice of your own colours, making it endlessly versitile.

The Oregon Autumn Vest Patterncard Kit appeared again in November, along with a lovely photoshoot and custom styled outfit.

The Oregon Autumn Vest also featured as the sample garment in brand new free video tutorial, taking you through the making of a stranded garment knitted in the round with steeks.

We rounded the year off with two new patterncard kits, the White Jacobite Rose Hat Set and Jacket. These two designs also marked the first skeins of our new Glen shade of yarn heading out across the world.

All in all 2021 has been a very busy year, with a great deal of designing, video class tutition and colour. In addition we also got out on our first Hiort project shoot, which we are looking forward to sharing with you later on in 2022, along with many other projects which we have been working away on in every spare minute.