2020 News Archive
2020 was a year of many challenges which we tackled by providing an element of escapism through design, colour, detailed technique, landscape photography and storytelling. The year started off with a brand new website - steek dot scot, with the aim of providing detailed and comprehensive technique videos for specific projects. This virtual fireside allows me to knit projects alongside you, showing each step along the way. We began with the Lapwing Collar, and continued through the year with the Sulaire Shawl and the Staran pullover. These video class kits are the perfect way to expand your knitting knowledge and learn new skills.

As another way of reaching out to knitters across the world - in particular when we were closed for 10 weeks during the UK lockdown between March and May- we started the Dùthchas agus Dualchas section of the website. This brings you free projects and tutorial videos in the form of the Kelpie's Tears Shawl, Felted Buttons and Beads and the Mermaid's Purse, which are ideal projects for using smaller amounts of yarn while you experiment with colour and texture. There are also creative excercises with inspiring imagery and swatches. You can find stories and songs, take a pictorial walk around the croft in all seasons, and Thomas has added tutorial videos for keeping fit and healthy while you are at home.

We also added some new patterncard kits throughout the year. The Witch Hare was a brand new design which started out as a lockdown swatch, and then evolved into a hat set. The Alba Jacket an the Oregon Spring Cardigan are old favourites which are now available as patterncard kits.

Our needles were not idle in 2020, and as well as new designs and kits, we also made up new versions of some current designs. The Mol Eire was made in Lapwing with contrasts of Pebble Beach, Sea Ivory, Corncrake and Golden Plover.

The small Eagle Wrap had an outing in Sea Ivory, Spindrift, Corncrake and Golden Plover.

The lovely Kimberley from Jade's A Collector's Item arrived, made in Limpet, Golden Plover, Driftwood, Erica, Clover and Wild Orchid.

The Hiort Project Diary continued to grow, most notably with the Hiort Special Edition yarn. This beautiful shade was inspired by the stone walls of Hebridean blackhouses and was shown in the Sulaire design. The colour did not stay in our shop for long and has now found new homes around the world. However it is still a pleasure to look back on this lovely shade.

Our Collaborations section also continued to grow, with features on Sacha Ross and her beautiful Harris Tweed capes, and Constance Caddell and her unique style and perfect knitting skills.

2020 was the year of the photograph, with over 600 images added to the website from a variety of shoots. We went out with Xinyu, Nina, Kirsty, Iona and Emma to bring you images of our designs from different locations. We also captured still life and landscape, taking our yarns into our favourite parts of the Outer Hebrides.

And of course we ended 2020 by designing, planing and knitting for 2021, so there will be more to follow in the coming months.