Lapwing Collar Video Class
I have chosen to launch steek dot scot with a comprehensive class on making the Lapwing Collar. My choice was determined by the huge response we received when we made the project available at Virtual Yarns. Many non-knitters contacted us to ask how they could have a collar; many others told us how much they admired and wanted one, but felt that such an exotic and complex design was way beyond their skill level.
To these knitters I offer the following words of encouragement ... a complex appearance does not always make a design difficult to knit.
The Lapwing Collar is a classic case of this truth. All you need is a real desire to make it and the willingness to take the time to learn – and enjoy! – the creative process of making something beautiful with your own two hands. If you have this motivation then the Lapwing Collar is within your grasp, even if you have never knitted a single stitch in your life. This collar is in fact an ideal project for everyone, from outright beginner to expert. Yes, it is composed of many component feathers – but a feather can be made in less than an hour and some take only a matter of minutes. This means that a novice can quite literally learn to knit by making some feathers. If you make an error then it will just be an error in a very small piece and you can practise until you can make all the feathers perfectly.
Once you learn how to cast on, knit, purl and cast off, you will find that all knitting is a matter of manipulating these very basic stitches in different ways. You will learn a great deal from making the Lapwing Collar and by the time you have made the first layer of long feathers you will be a long-feather expert. You will grow in confidence and then progress through to a whole variety of construction and pattern, including working stranded colour-knitting.
I will be with you all of the way and all of the time it takes you to make your collar. Jade has filmed me making one from start to finish and we have arranged the video clips so that you can easily find your place throughout your progress.
My aim is to ensure that you have a visual demonstration of every step along the way. If you are highly experienced then you will find this class helpful in understanding the detail of the collar’s construction and you will hone your skills as the project progresses. If this is the first time you have ever tried knitting, then you will be an expert by the time you have finished.