The Damselfly
When the summer was at its height, the Otter quite suddenly and with no warning broke the delicate and insubstantial heart of the Damselfly and walked away from the loch and into the moor. The bereft Damselfly left her peaceful loch and familiar happy stones and followed him for many miles, but the Otter was a master of concealment and kept himself always out of reach. Exhausted, the Damselfly lay down in the heather and the moor claimed her body for its own...

One day the Otter took his ease by a loch, quite unaware that he was being observed — by another young Damselfly who had secretly watched from afar the doomed romance of the Otter and her older sister. The young Damselfly had found the cruelly-broken heart and watched while the moor claimed the body of her sister. The wings of this young Damselfly flashed sunlight as she wove her magic around the Otter, who was oblivious to its thistledown touch and went on his way unencumbered by doubt or worry.