We took Alice's Glamourie amulets and necklaces on a shoot to a very magical place on the East coast of Scotland. Behind Dunino Church, make-up artist Suzanne Christie led the way along a path to a stone staircase almost hidden by ferns. At the foot of the stairs, rock with almost the texture and colour of tree bark stretches up on one side, while on the other side is a slow-moving stream. The dappled light comes through the high trees, illuminating the many offerings left hanging over branches and tucked into the stone.
Dunino Den, as it is known locally, is a site associated since pre-Christian times with superstition, ritual and worship. Today people come to leave gifts for the spirits of the forest, and as you walk about you will find colourful ribbons, necklaces, shells, coins and painted stones scattered all around the den. We were careful not to disturb any of these as Suzi modelled the felted necklaces and amulets, and we were granted beautiful light for the duration of our shoot.

Suzi leading the way down the narrow stairs into the den, and some of the objects we found there.