The visual effects of knitted cables are so powerful that many people imagine that only a knitter of great experience could work such wonders, and this is especially the case when a variety of cabled patterns are worked together to create elaborate designs. The truth is that cabling is the easiest of all knitting techniques and the whole technique can be summed up thus ...
... to cross a stitch or a group of stitches over another stitch or group of stitches.
Once you have learned to make knit and purl stitches then making cable designs is just one easy step away. In the following videos I demonstrate how to make cables. I also show some variations on basic cables that demonstrate just how easy it is to apply the technique. This will give you the confidence to knit any cabled design that takes your fancy and also enable you to see the potential for creating new variations and patterns.
Making Cables
Here I demonstrate the cabling technique by making a pair of simple rope cables.
Devloping Cable Patterns
Here I show some cabled swatches from my book Aran Knitting and I describe how variations can be developed from the basic rope cables. You will see how this very simple technique can produce seemingly complex cables and you will also see how to use the technique to create patterns that will travel over the fabric on any scale.