Texture Detail Gallery
Textured knitting has infinite possibilities both for stitch and garment design. Here we have a look at the details of some of our textured designs, from fine knit and purl stitches and shaping, through to Alice's unique sculptural Celtic cables and heavily textured Aran-style designs.
The Eightsome Reel is a semi-fitted shape with a main body of simple Reverse Stocking Stitch which showcases a powerful Celtic motif. The design is offset with horizontal cabled and ruffled cuffs, neckline and border. The Strathspey design is shaped through a linear texture composed of simple Stocking Stitch, Reverse Stocking Stitch and light rib panels which flatter the contours of the body whilst providing a foil for the elegant central pattern. The high neck carries this texture through, as do the cuffs, which are shaped to bell out over the hands.
Na Craga is an ideal project for a beginner knitter starting to develop their cabling skills. The cables are visually easy to follow as you knit, and the shape is simple and straightforward, allowing the knitter to concentrate on tension and pattern.
The Infinite Cable Class is an ideal way to learn and develop your cabling skills, bringing you to a point where you are ready to tackle complex designs.
Complex Celtic-style knotwork panels make the St Brigid a highly sculptural yet very wearable garment. Once the technique of starting and ending the knotwork is mastered – and this is fully illustrated in Aran Knitting – you will find that this is a surprisingly easy design to knit. The Fulmar design is also highly textured, but with with rope and braid designs worked in gansey yarn on small needles. The fine texture means this design requires time and patience to knit.
Texture can be combined with openwork to give a lighter look. The lower panels of the Isobel of Mar and Secret Garden design are composed of a geometric zig-zag border worked in openwork and textured knots. Knit and purl textured panels edged with light cables then shape the design as it continues upwards. The very fitted Elizabeth I design features a central panel of openwork which begins in a deep V- shape incorporating Moss Stitch side panels which are edged with a fine cable all of which emphasize the narrow waist of the garment.
The Maidenhair Shawl is a beautiful showcase of texture and openwork panels, which are perfect for developing technique. The Margaret Tudor design is an intricate showstopper, which involves openwork, cabled stitches and deep textures all worked in gansey yarn to create a timeless heirloom piece. It takes a great deal of patience to create but it will last more than a lifetime.